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Sheriff  Daniel  Hartwig, Manitowoc County SO, WI

Major David Allen, Louisville Metro PD, KY

Chief of Police, Adrian Armijo, Pueblo of Sandia PD, NM

Chief of Police Linwood, Alston Mount Rainer PD, MD

Sergeant Adam Ball, Riverside County SO, CA

Captain Joseph Bailey, Canton Township PD, MI

Captain Jada Breaux, Chitimacha Tribal PD, LA

Chief Deputy James Brown, Pickaway County SO, OH

Sergeant Antoinette Buchanan, Maryland Heights PD, MO

Chief of Police Damon Carter, Coppin State University PD, MD

Sergeant Adrian Celaya, South Miami PD, FL

Deputy Field Office Director Patrick Divver, DHS/ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations, DC

Major Eric Edwards, New Hanover County SO, NC

Lieutenant Benjamin Endres, Alaska State Troopers,   AK

Deputy Fire Chief James Hayden, Fort Meyers FD, FL

Lieutenant Bryan Jackson, Virginia Beach PD, VA

Chief of Police Bryant  Jackson, University of South Dakota PD, SD

Captain Brian Johnston, Dona County SO, NM

Supervisor SORP Office Micah Maldonado, Yakima Nation PD, WA

Chief of Police Kenon McKenzie, Glencoe PD, AL

Lieutenant Steven Molina, Clay County SO, FL

Lieutenant Sean Rafferty, Kingsland PD, GA

Captain Raul Rodriguez, Las Vegas Metro PD, NV

Chief of Police Jonathan Rosnick, Washington & Jefferson College PD, PA

Chief of Police Matthew Simpson, Marysville PD, KS

Deputy Director Eric Wacaster, Arkansas LE Standards and Training, AR

Major Fred Watson, Atlanta PD, GA

Captain Jeffrey Williams, Glynn County PD, GA

Chief of Police Debra Williams, Clark Atlanta University PD, GA

Lieutenant David Wolf, University of Tennessee PD, TN

Director General, Florian Sulejmani, Albanian Police Oversight Agency, Int’l